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5 examples of what you can do to retain employees

S&P Benefits

5 examples of what you can do to retain employees

5 examples of what you can do to retain employees

The lack of skills is a major problem in many industries and companies are forced to make an increasing effort to both recruit and retain employees. To investigate the reasons that lead employees to seek alternatives to their current employment, we begin this article by examining this in more detail. Because studies show that a third of those who changed workplaces in 2022 did so because they were looking for a new challenge in their careers, while almost a quarter changed jobs because they did not like the management team or managers at their previous workplace. At the same time, it is close to 73% of the employees who do not want to change their workplace at all, because they enjoy their current workplace so much. In this article, we take a closer look at what employers can do to retain employees, summarized in five points.


Personal and professional development


Personal and professional development

We all strive for goals and meaning in life – something to strive for and fight for – and therefore many employees are looking for new career opportunities and challenges. However, this does not necessarily mean that they need to leave their current workplace to achieve this.

By, for example, offering training and mentoring, you as an employer can show that you care about your employees’ professional development. Offering challenges and opportunities for personal as well as professional development is an excellent strategy for retaining employees and increasing their commitment to the workplace in the long term. Employees are talents who need support and opportunities to develop their skills and abilities.


Invest in a good working environment and a strong company culture


Invest in a good working environment and a strong company culture

Creating a work environment where employees feel comfortable and respected is critical to long-term retention, as cliche as it may sound. To achieve this, the workplace needs to feel safe and stimulating, which can be achieved by offering good benefits, a healthy balance between work and leisure and open communication. The first step towards a good working environment is to listen to the employees’ needs and wishes. This way you can show them that they are appreciated. Therefore, create a work culture where everyone feels included and involved.

In order to increase job satisfaction and retain employees, it is also important to have a strong corporate culture characterized by transparency, openness and positive feedback. Such a culture contributes to a good working environment and increases the bond between colleagues. And being comfortable with your colleagues is a decisive factor for a good commitment in the workplace and for wanting to stay there in the long term. Social events and team building activities are therefore effective ways to strengthen the community and increase cooperation between employees. It is also important to create a sense of belonging by including all employees in the company culture and encouraging participation and contributing to the common vision.


Feedback and encouragement


Feedback and encouragement

Feeling appreciated is important to all of us, and by giving employees feedback on their work, you show that you notice and value their efforts. And positive feedback is important in that it increases motivation and commitment in the workplace – and when it comes from leaders, it becomes even more significant. By making your employees visible and appreciating them, you give them the opportunity to both grow and develop.


Compensation: Competitive salary and good benefits


Compensation: Competitive salary and good benefits

Offering a competitive salary is a matter of course for retaining employees. But in addition to that, the benefits often play at least as big a role in the work of retaining your employees. These additional benefits can be critical in attracting and retaining the most sought-after talent.

A sought-after benefit, especially among employees with young children, is flexible terms that allow for a work-life balance. By offering flexibility, you as an employer show concern for your employees and increase the chances that they will stay with the company. Flexible working hours and an opportunity to work from home have become two strong trends that many employees consider to be decisive factors – especially since the outbreak of the epidemic.


Good leadership


Good leadership

This point is really quite self-explanatory. Without good leadership, it is difficult to achieve any of the other points above. In addition, surveys show that almost 25% of those who changed jobs last year did so because of a lack of satisfaction with the managers and management team at their previous workplace. In order to retain employees, good leadership is absolutely crucial, in other words. It is from the management’s side that the path to creating a pleasant and sustainable work environment begins.

In summary

In order to succeed in retaining your talents and attracting new ones, a good and strong work environment – characterized by openness and positive feedback – is crucial. At the same time, it is important to offer opportunities for personal and professional development, competitive salaries and benefits, but also flexible terms to balance work and private life. By implementing these strategies, you increase the chance of keeping your employees long-term.

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